Reinventing Biology

Brew with "Regenerative Orthopaedics"

Reinventing Biology

Real Gems:

My thought most of the time is “Nerdy patients ask too many questions when I say I’m taking something from their hip bone; what if I tell I’m gonna use only their tummy fat?”

“From BMAC to MFAT?”

Adipose tissue-derived stem cells can be

1.   Microfragmented adipose tissue (MFAT)

2.   Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) or

3. Enzyme-treated adipose tissue.

Well, getting MFAT is now less than 10 mins away with Lipogems

Lipogems® setup offers needle aspiration off adipose tissue, microfiltration, and injection in a closed-loop, single surgical step. Treat the disease and lose some fat in the process? Sign me up!

Who heads the Davos!?

Let us know about the man who helms the Department at Davos.

Prof Martin Stoddart is the Program Leader of the Regenerative Orthopaedics Program at the AO, Davos. He is the Focus area Leader for the Progenitor cell biology and mechanoregulation and Bone Biology Focus areas.

He completed his bachelor studies in Biology at the University of Aberystwyth in 1995. He has an M.Phil. in Cartilage Biology and a Ph.D. in the field of Cancer Angiogenesis. He is a lecturer at the ETH Zürich and in 2015 he was awarded a Professorship from the Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany. In 2016 he was awarded an Honorary Professorship at the Institute for Science & Technology in Medicine University of Keele, UK. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and a fellow member of the International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society. In 2020 he received the TERMIS-EU Mid-Term Career Award.

His main focus is the use of autologous MSCs and mechanoregulation for the repair of musculoskeletal tissues using a cell therapy approach. To this aim, he investigates novel cell identification and isolation methods. His research interests include the mechano-regulation of progenitor cell fate, in particular chondrogenic differentiation. This has led to advances in regenerative rehabilitation and the discovery of novel clinically relevant biomarkers and targets. He holds editorial positions in various journals, including Associate Editor, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, and scientific editor for eCM Journal. He is the conference chair of the yearly eCM Conference.

Let see what his exciting research is going to deliver! The best is yet to come!

What’s trending in research?

Bioprinted Meniscal Scaffold

Yea…. Bioprinted

Z Jian et al. using multilayer biomimetic strategy, optimized the preparation of meniscus-derived bioink using gelatin methacrylate (GelMA)/meniscal extracellular matrix (MECM) to complete the biomimetic meniscal scaffold, which had the best biomimetic features in terms of morphology and components.

Cell viability, mechanics, biodegradation, and tissue formation were all analyzed to be sufficient.

The practical utility of this revolutionary tissue-engineered meniscus is not far away.

Truth hits harder!

Level 1 evidence on PRP - Soon to be Gospels!

PRP is superior to corticosteroids for long-term pain relief in lateral epicondylitis

PRP is superior PRGF, HA, CS, and placebo for symptomatic knee OA

PRP for chronic plantar fasciitis is safe, and superior at intermediate and long-term follow-up in comparison to corticosteroid injection

Click the links and check for yourselves.

Well, guys wait is over. Answer to the last month’s question is here

What is the effect of lead aprons on your posture?

Front covered lead aprons lead to more frequent back complaints, even among the young and healthy. Under an average duration of surgery of 102 min, a temporary postural deviation occurs that can be demonstrated by means of video-raster-stereography and foot pressure measurement. The subjects showed a shifted weight distribution on the forefoot, again in thoracic kyphosis, and an increase in lateral deviation, which also correlated with an increased height and shorter length of employment.

Beware of this!

Which among the three is the most chondrogenic autologous adult source of mesenchymal stem cells for utility in the regenerative procedure for Osteoarthritis Knee?

  • Bone-marrow

  • Fat

  • Peripheral blood

Wait for our next issue on the first Sunday of November????????

Happy Orthopaedic October guys.